“Don’t ask what the world needs.  Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.  Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

— Howard Thurman

At Chuck B Philosophy, we believe that every person has a unique set of talents and abilities.  Our goal is to help people recognize and develop those gifts.  We believe that everyone has a unique contribution to make to the world.  And that is good because the world has its problems.  But we maintain that if we help to bring out the best in people, that will make the world a better place.

The problem is that society often holds its members back from reaching their true potential.  This is not an intentional act on the part of a culture.  It is a failure to appreciate how valuable every member of society can be. We want to change that.

 If society doesn’t bring out our best, we need to take charge and do it ourselves.  

At Chuck B Philosophy, we believe that with the right inspiration and education, people can overcome barriers, bring forth what is within them and become the best that they can be. 

The world has problems, and the best way to solve those problems is with the best people.  Get the people right, and the world will take care of itself.  We endeavor to bring out the best in people, so those people can invent solutions to big and small challenges and make the world a better place. 

It all culminates in a straightforward phrase; we all do better when we all do better.  

To that end, we want to start a cascade of positive changes in the world.

We need to move from a life focused on having more to a life predicated on being more.  We encourage everyone to become their best possible self and then to freely share that best self with the world in service to goals that are bigger than ourselves. 

Our four core values:

Practical Wisdom — We value knowledge and learning, but not for its own sake.  We understand that knowledge is power only when that knowledge is put into action.  So we seek practical wisdom that we incorporate into our lives on a day-to-day and a moment-to-moment basis.  We do this by valuing continuous learning, open-mindedness, and remaining present in every moment of our lives.

“Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.”

― Marcus Aurelius

Creativity — We can’t do better in the future by doing the same things we have done in the past.  That is why we seek to live our lives as a creative process.   We are willing to experiment with new ideas in our thinking, health, lifestyle, and world view.  We are always looking for new and better ways to solve problems.  We endeavor to live a life of our own design and not just do as others do.

“As an irrigator guides water to his field, as an archer aims an arrow, as a carpenter carves wood, the wise shape their lives.”

— Buddha

Independence —  To be who we can become, we must put aside the expectations of others.  We need to be independent in our thinking, actions, and lifestyle.  This does not mean automatically discarding the ideas and advice of others.  It means listening with an open mind and seeking to understand others’ perspectives without having to agree with them.  We keep an open mind, accept the ideas that help us, and discard the ideas that are not in line with achieving our individual best.

“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”

— Henry David Thoreau

Temperance —  We understand that self-control is the key to a better, freer life.  It is impossible to be our best selves if we are controlled by the expectations of others, debts, or our own bad habits.  To free ourselves, we must be disciplined in thought and action.  This does not mean a life of austerity, but one where we choose to include the things and people in our life that help us on our journey and discard the rest.  We do this out of humility and not as a way to feel superior to those around us.

“In my walks, every man I meet is my superior in some way, and in that I learn from him.”

― Ralph Waldo Emerson

At Chuck B Philosophy, our “why” informs our “what.”

Why are we committing to live by our values in pursuit of becoming our best selves?  Because the world needs people to come alive, express the best that is within them, and make the world a better place.  We are dedicated to making that happen, one person at a time.

The sages tell us that life is a journey and not a destination.  If that is true, then we need to learn how to be better travelers.  That is the goal of the Chuck B Philosophy, to help us all better navigate this adventure we call life.  We recognize that it will not be easy, but we are confident it will be worth the effort.  

So, please join us on this journey.  We don’t claim to be gurus or to have all the answers.  We are fellow pilgrims on the road.  We hope to encourage you and point out some of the pitfalls along the way.  

You owe it to yourself to come alive, discover who you are meant to be, and then to become that best self. Do it for the world that needs more people to come alive. Do it for your fellow travelers.  Most importantly, do it for yourself.  You owe it to yourself to grow into the best version of yourself—a person whose potential you cannot yet know.

“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the one you did do.  So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore. Dream. Discover.”

— Mark Twain

Join us as we sail away from the “safe” harbor in search of what can be.  Use the link below to sign up for regular updates via email (no spam) and check out Chuck B Philosophy for more.

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