Transcendence is the experience of something extraordinary or beyond human experience.  It is a feeling of awe, one of those experiences that may be hard to explain, but that you know it when you feel it.  Many people find this experience through religion, but it is possible to have transcendent experiences outside of faith.  Some discover these experiences through movement (dance, sports, or yoga), appreciation of beauty (in music, art, or nature), work that induces flow or meditation, to name just a few.

The virtue of transcendence is a set of strengths that allows one to forge a connection with the broader world and create a sense of meaning or purpose in life.  People with the transcendent trait are thankful people who appreciate excellence and beauty in the world around them while maintaining a playful manner and sense of humor.  They do not take things for granted and are generally hopeful about the potential of humanity.

 Strengths that accompany this virtue include those that forge connections to the larger universe and provide meaning:

• Appreciation of beauty and excellence

• Gratitude

• Hope

• Humor and playfulness

• Spirituality, or a sense of purpose

Transcendent people appreciate the world around them.  They are grateful, hopeful, and joyful, which allows them to forge a connection with something bigger than themselves that gives their lives meaning.

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